Thursday, December 3, 2009


Fnick is my name now. So let's all call me Fnick. I love the guy. Technically I love myself, but whatever. Fnick is cool.
Yeah. Whatever. He's an emotionless brick wall. I admire that. But deep down, really deep down, he's actually a very emotional person...
He just doesn't show it. Hey, at least he HAS emotions. Gotta love him for that. Plus, he has abs. Eight pack, most probably. And he's tall, dark and downright hot. Really. And, you know, he's weird.
Whatever. Still, this is becoming a love Fnick rant post. Sigh... Wish I could speak Elvish. It would be cool. Then I could tell everyone to go stuff themselves and they wouldn't know what I was saying.
I keep doing that on this post. I dunno why. I go like, "Stare off into space... Write dot dot dot..."...
What was I going to write again? Er... Er... Oh yeah. Wait... I forgot again.
Anyway, I forgot. I'll tell ya when I remember.
I remember now! I kept having conversations with dogs today.
Yeah. Dogs. Like Louie and Ben. They were more like monologues actually. Louie kept staring out the window while I called him fat. We were in the car. Cause, my dad sent Louie to the pet store... Boarding, you know? Since we're going to Korea and all... Louie and I were waiting in the car while my dad went down to ask about the details. Then I started talking to the dog. Let me tell you, he stank. Like pee. Really. PEE... Urgh. Still, I talked to him about our fatness... And his eyes.
Hey, he has weird eyes! Like, brown... With a big dot of black in the middle... That makes you wanna poke them out...
Erm... So, back to the monologue. Then for some inexplicable reason, I talked to Ben at my grandfather's house... Yeah. Then I talked to FCD about the similarities between Ben and Ben... You know, Ben the dog? And Ben Jing? ...... Akward... Oh yeah, my cuz thought Ben Jing was Beijing. I know, weird. So, they're both perverted, and disgusting, and have skin probs... Mmhmm...
Wait for an idea...
I got it already!
Actually, I got nothing. Wait... FCD!
So anyway, FCD opened a bottle of V-soy just now with this bent bottle opener, and I dunno why, but I looked at it and started laughing hysterically. My dad told me, "Puay Yi, you dun siao ar..." In hokkien. Whatever.
Er... Fnick is still a genius. I love him. Someday, I'm gonna kidnap him and stuff him in my basement... If I ever get one... Or I might just be retarded. I dunno. Now I'm going to plot an evil plan to take over the world. And make people pay their taxes in Snickers.
I love The Maximum Ride series because :-

  1. There's Fnick.
  2. Fnick is hot.
  3. They have Snickers.
  4. One guy can finish five Snickers in three minutes.
  5. Fnick.
  6. Need I say more?
  7. Lots of ass kicking.
  8. Fnick's real name is weird.
  9. Fnick is only fourteen, which doesn't make me a pedophile. Cause, you know, I'm only fourteen next year. In July.
  10. They're weird like me.
  11. Fnick has a blog.
  12. They love insulting people.
  13. They have wings.
  14. They blow people up alot.
  15. They annoy everybody.
  16. I just like it. Mainly cause of Fnick, but whatever.
Mmhmm... That's why. Nice, right? I thought so. Love Fnick till the end of the world. :)