Sunday, September 27, 2009
Won't won't won't
Posted by Max at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by Max at 2:38 PM 0 comments
I'm the worst person on earth.
Posted by Max at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I love cake...
Posted by Max at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Posted by Max at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Facials are scary...
Posted by Max at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We are the champions, my friends...
Posted by Max at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Weirdness will prevail...
Posted by Max at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Fat losing project is in progress... ^.^
Posted by Max at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Happy Birthday to You...
Wee... Yesterday FCD's dad's birthday... We go Crystal Crown makan... ^.^ Yummy... There's the cake, or should I say cakes, down there...Wakakakaka... I'm greedy, that's why I'm fat... ^.^ FCD and his parents down there...
Tralala... Me and my Leng Zai daddy... Real wan... FCD's not leng zai... (: Biao Ba...
Grr... I upload that image 3 times liao... Better not delete it again... I have to go Sejarah tuition later... :( Down there is me and FCD...
XDXD He's like retarded... I'm not gonna upload anymore pics... It makes my com go funny... I peeled my dessert pau and it was like, naked.... Weird... There was Peking Duck... The skin was cut off... My bro stupid wan... He dun dare to eat meat cause he scared they will come after him in his sleep... As ghosts... Stupid... So ah gua... I dowan my bro to be ah gua!!
Posted by Max at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wee... ^.^
I put Claire and Ben in the same chat room today... But nada... ^.^ Grr... I hate that Ah Gua... He was talking to that... Saito thing like old friends... Angry... Hate him... I confisicated that calculator he was using to do his maths during PJK... He injured his leg so he didn't need to go for PJK... Not that he ever does... He just sits there... Doing nothing... And the weird thing is, he doesn't wear his glasses... LoL... If he's not gonna exercise, wear his glasses la... Anyway... It was actually Ben Jing's so I gave it back to him during recess... Whatever... When was the last time I updated? I forgot... Anyway... My teacher changed my place 2 times in 2 days... At first I was sitting beside the window with Ben on my left, Thiwya in front of me and Loong behind me... But he keep kacauing me so I complain to teacher... Evil rite... So teacher change me to Ben's place and Ben sit in my place, FCD go sit Ah Gua place, Wei Jun sit Pausen place and Pausen sit Wei Jun place... But stupid FCD, Pausen and Claire they all made teacher change my place to sit in front of Claire... 2nd row... BESIDE SAITO!! That is in Wei Jun's place... Den I bosong lo... Because honestly, who would want to sit with that Saito?!?! So I do sour face for teacher to see... Then she cannot take it and switch Saito to Shawn Chin's place. So now Shawn Chin sit beside me... Our family is sitting in one line already... Hobbes, Me, Claire, then FCD. One line straight down. Now all we need is Chris... Hm... But I still a bit bosong... Cuz I liked sitting next to Ben... Sorta... Cause he like... Funny... And a bit gay... Plus weird... And I can copy his answers during Maths... But now I do faster than him... But still, I can concentrate better sitting in my old place... I dunno what's gotten into that Ah Gua... When he sit behind Ben that time, he keep going like : "You see what I mean?" Den I ask him what? He say : "You and him..." and shake his head... Weird... When I explain something to Ben during Maths then Ah Gua will do that liao... They all say I "Flirting" with Ben... Swt... I flirt with him for what? And as he pointed out, who want to flirt with me? Right... I'm ugly and fat... Yeah, I know it... Plus he thinks I'm "man"... ^.^ I went and tried to kacau him on MSN... I put a smiley face like this : ^.^ and he ask me who I am... I told him I was Milaine, and he went like : "oh... LOL... SO MAN!" ^.^ Anyway... I got 35 over 40 for my science test... Objective... So did Ben... Ah Gua and FCD got 34... LOL... We almost got busted by Bala... We call Saito "saito" during Science class... Bala heard us and asked what we called him... Saito went like, : " They always tease me that..." And Bala asked what again, Saito said : "What he just said!" Pointing at Shawn Chin. When we were all about to get busted, I said : "Cytoplasm!". Then Bala said, : "He's the Nucleus of this class" and a bunch of shit... We just said nothing and played along... I saved our asses... So smart right! ^.^ Perasan. LOL... FCD is now the Tok Guru Otak Kuning of our class... Haha... Wee... FCD so bad wan... We had a retarded summary thing where we were told to read a retarded story and tell the summary in front of the class and that freaking O Lang Puan Rachel, and we had to choose a partner, I was with Claire, Chris was with Yan Qing, Ben with Pausen, Winny with Thiwya, Saito with Tikus, Hobbes with Timun, and Shawn, Wei Jun, Sean the Ah Gua and FCD were left. Bee Hong was feeling sick so she was excused... Anyway... FCD was gonna go with Shawn but that freaking Puan Rachel (Lan Jiao) said : "Yuan Loong, don't go with Shawn Chin." Cause she wanted to set Shawn up with Saito... Then she made FCD go with Sean the Ah Gua. Grr... Then Shawn Chin cry you know... I've never seen him that quiet... It was sad... In the end, that Lan Jiao put Saito with Tikus and said she was "pulling Shawn's leg". Yeah right. I hate that teacher the most. Ben Ee's gonna sing a duet with Winny... Oh shit... Not Ben, Ben Ee... His Bro. Ben Ee is like, so perasan... He sucks at singing. Honestly. But he thinks he very "Talented" and "Good"... Jeez... We're trying to get Winny not to sing with him. Especially Ben. Yeah! But it's not really working... Ben Ee sucks. His singing is like... The worst kind of torture... I had goosebumps while he was singing... We tried to show Winny what a mistake she was making by getting Ben Ee to sing Love Story and No Boundaries... Eww... We were all like "This is shit! Tell him to stop or I'll die..." But we didn't let him hear... We're not that evil... Hopefully Ben will be able to make him see that he sucks at singing... So we won't be tortured... By the horrible sound of his singing... Winny! Do a solo! You can't sing with Ben Ee!! Your performance will be a disaster!! Save yourself!!!
P.S. If he really IS gonna sing, I'm gonna record it and put it on YouTube. But I'll stuff my ears while recording it...
Posted by Max at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Lose The Fats!!
Posted by Max at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Posted by Max at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
It's the weird girl again!
Posted by Max at 5:09 PM 0 comments